Auto Classifieds
1800-CMS Auto Classifeds website design offers powerful features. This is the ultimate, real opportunity to start a profitable auto classified web site. You will have user-friendly admin tools to manage your auto classified web site. Your user will like frontend interface which makes the process of buying and selling new and used cars faster and enjoyable.
A number of great features indisputably will be useful for you as the owner of a car classified web site and your classified site users. SEO friendly links of your car classified web site will make your web site easily found and indexed by search engines. In other words your web site will be visible for your classified web site potential users.
What's Included:
- Administration access
- 1 FREE Domain
- 2 Months FREE Hosting
Administration Panel:
Sell Autos and Auto Parts
Auto Repair Service Listings
Browse categories page
Content control tools including image manager
Editable e-mail templates, to email to account holder
Payment transactions manager
Trash box
Powerful listings manager
Listing plans manager
Category sections manager
Fields groups manager
Fields manager
Categories manager
Pages manager
Accounts manager
News articles manager
Contacts manager
Comment Management
- Client Accounts:
META description/keywords for each category
Useful categories tree on Add Listing page
META description/keywords for each page
SEO front-end interface
Different account types (buyer, owner, dealer)
Internal messages system
Quick/Advanced search for each listings type
Saved searches functionality
Listings geographic location on Google Map
E-mail notifications system
Powerful listing details page
Two listing photos gallery (lightBox, previewVox)
Listings RSS feed for each category
Print optimized pages
Payment Gateways (PayPal, 2CO)
Advanced account area
Double steps flexible users registration process
Search dealer page, view dealer details, browse dealer listings
Comments to Listing
Mobile Version available